Category: Uncategorized

  • One Year Without You, Lindsay.

    One Year Without You, Lindsay.

    One year. My heart feels so heavy. I miss you. I want you here. I can’t tell you how many times this past year I desperately wanted and NEEDED to text you and talk to you. If your messages didn’t go directly to Chris, I might have just sent it anyway, even knowing there would…

  • I Love You, Sissy.

    I Love You, Sissy.

    It is hard to believe today marks a year since my sister’s passing. Time is funny, isn’t it? How it can feel both incredibly fast and incredibly slow at the same time. How somehow it can feel like my sister’s passing just happened yesterday because the memory is still so raw and real, and yet,…

  • Remembering Lindsay Larsen

    Remembering Lindsay Larsen

    Cancer. I hate it. Another sister of mine lost the battle to cancer. Cancer stole two sisters from me not even six months apart. It breaks my heart. My sister-in-law, Mitchell’s brother’s wife, Lindsay lost her battle with Stage 4 Colon Cancer on February 15th. A life lost too soon. She has two young kids,…

  • Memories of my Sissy – Angie Kay Losek

    Memories of my Sissy – Angie Kay Losek

    My sister passed away a few weeks ago. It feels pretty surreal to say that. I honestly hadn’t been super close with my sister for the last several years and she was living down in Arizona, so I didn’t see her frequently. But, it still seems like I should be able to call her on…

  • A Break from Multiple Sclerosis

    A Break from Multiple Sclerosis

    Taking a Break to Pray My blog’s intention has been to help more people come to know and learn about Multiple Sclerosis. I wanted a place where friends and family could join me in learning about this disease and how it might impact my life long-term. I also wanted a place to keep people up-to-date…

  • Quick Update & MS Awareness Week

    Quick Update & MS Awareness Week

    Quick Personal Update Our baby girl, Audrey Jean Larsen, arrived on February 19, 2020. We are so in love and enjoying all of the baby snuggles. It is definitely different this time around trying to figure out how to manage caring for a newborn and a toddler at the same time. So far, Luke has…

  • Prayers for our Family

    Prayers for our Family

    We are just days away from meeting our sweet baby girl and I would love to ask for a few important prayers for my family as we head into a new season. Health Unfortunately, this year has been rough for us. Besides a few weeks in December, it seems like one of us has been…

  • Goodbye 2019

    Goodbye 2019

    Final Days of 2019 There are only 14 days left in 2019. Wow, this year has been a doozy for sure. Good riddance 2019. Hard to believe that as I sit and recap this past year, that this has all just happened in 12 months’ time. In 2018, even though I had a baby, it…

  • Weathering The Storms

    Weathering The Storms

    December 31, 2018 I remember thinking (and posting on Facebook) that 2018 was the best year of my life. It honestly was incredible and I am sure that is because it was the year my son was born and I was incredibly happy. I was fortunate that I did not experience the baby blues or…

  • Stage 4 Colon Cancer

    Stage 4 Colon Cancer

    A Crappy Diagnosis A few weeks ago, Mitchell and I just got home from a retreat feeling refreshed, happy, and confident about things starting to turn around this year. A few hours later, we got a phone call. Mitchell’s brother Chris was calling us to tell us that his wife, Lindsay, had been admitted to…