A Break from Multiple Sclerosis

A Break from Multiple Sclerosis

Taking a Break to Pray

My blog’s intention has been to help more people come to know and learn about Multiple Sclerosis. I wanted a place where friends and family could join me in learning about this disease and how it might impact my life long-term. I also wanted a place to keep people up-to-date on my disease and how I am feeling. This also includes sharing my life and faith in Jesus. While this is still my intention and my goal, this week, I am taking a break from talking about my MS to ask you if you would join me in some big prayers for people in my life. 

To start, I want to say that while my goal is to be upbeat and positive, and to find joy even in hard circumstances, sometimes life brings a lot of sorrow and pain. I want to acknowledge that there is deep pain and grief happening every day all around us. I want to acknowledge that people are hurting and need help. 

Prayer Requests

More and more lately, I am getting some big prayer requests. And, I am feeling like our world needs more prayer than ever right now. I would love for my friends and family to join me in prayer over friends and family that are in great need right now. I will be leaving out some details in respect for their privacy. But, feel free to pray beyond the needs requested.

Prayers for my Sister

Please pray for my sister, Angie. She was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year. She is in a lot of pain from her cancer and feeling very sick. She is living in Arizona.

Prayers for my sister-in-law

About a year ago I wrote a blog mentioning my sister-in-law Lindsay was diagnosed with stage 4 Colon Cancer. She has been doing chemo and was on a trial drug for a while until it was causing such bad neuropathy that her and her doctors decided to stop the trial. Lindsay and her husband are waiting for the next step in a new trial drug (potentially traveling to New York) or opportunity to kill the cancer in her body. There is a lot of waiting between tests and treatments and frustration in the unknowns. Her most recent update is on her Caring Bridge page where you can read more of her story and find ways to support her.

Prayers for my friend with MS

I have a long-time friend battling a terrible MS flare right now. Earlier this year she lost her father-in-law and her dog. Her dog was more than just a pet, but a dog that helped her with her MS symptoms and knew when she wasn’t feeling well. She is also battling with insurance companies to get the necessary disease modifying therapy she needs.

Prayers for Stevie

I don’t actually know Stevie, but I know his sister, Julie from college. Stevie was recently out riding his bike in the bike lane with a helmet and was hit by a driver from behind. He has suffered severe injuries including a broken back and a leg, and brain damage. He was just moved out of ICU, but he is still battling infections and a long recovery ahead. Here is his GoFundMe for more info.

The World

If you haven’t taken any time recently to pray for our country and our world, I would ask that you might stop for a couple of minutes and pray for things happening all around us. I do not want to take a political stance on either of these topics, so please keep in mind no matter what way you read this or what side of the table you are on, there are prayers needed!

In regards to COVID, for those who are sick, hospitalized, and dying. For those with intense fears around getting sick and dying. There are many people who are feeling alone and depressed. Many people have lost their jobs and I am afraid many more will the longer we stay locked down. There are also people who are afraid to go to work and get sick, but need to work to survive. There are children who are stuck at home in unsafe environments because schools are not back in session. There are children who are going to struggle long-term from not being around friends and having specific learning needs met by being at school. There are more consequences from COVID that we have yet to see and I am concerned about how this is going to impact everyone long-term.

In regards to racial injustices in our world, I pray for necessary changes. I pray that our leaders can take a look at policies that continue to enforce these injustices and recognize that change is needed. I pray that the hurt, pain, and suffering from slavery to modern-day racism can be healed and resolved. I pray that people of all races, sides of the political spectrum, and of different religions can take a second to be compassionate and recognize that there is true hate and ugliness in our world and we need to fix it. I pray that people can recognize that it starts with internal reflection.

In regards to police, I pray we can stop police brutality and provide necessary training for handling tough situations as well as proper punishment if they continue to hurt people. I pray that we can stop grouping all police together and remember that the majority of them are here to serve and protect us.


There are several other people that have come to me recently with BIG things going on in their life. Although I have not listed them in my blog, this does not mean I am not praying for you. This just means I thought it was more of a private prayer request. The prayer requests listed above have all been shared publicly through Facebook and the internet in one way or another.

Are you in need of prayer?

That being said, if you are in need of prayer, please reach out and let me know. I would love to be praying for you. Even if you are not a believer, I can still pray for you! 

Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Hebrews 4:16

Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray.

James 5:13

Thank you for taking some time to pray for people in my life with big requests. God is good and he hears every prayer that we lift up to Him.




