Lindsay Fighting Cancer

Stage 4 Colon Cancer

A Crappy Diagnosis

A few weeks ago, Mitchell and I just got home from a retreat feeling refreshed, happy, and confident about things starting to turn around this year. A few hours later, we got a phone call. Mitchell’s brother Chris was calling us to tell us that his wife, Lindsay, had been admitted to Overlake for emergency surgery. He went on to say that she hadn’t been feeling well the previous week and after going a week without a bowel movement, bloating, and severe abdominal discomfort, they decided it was time to just go get things checked at the ER. Cancer wasn’t even on their radar, and when they received test results back the nurse said that Lindsay has Stage 4 colon cancer that has spread to her liver. They ended up taking out 2/3rds of her colon, seven lymph nodes, and her appendix. In a few weeks, once she has healed from surgery, she will start chemo to fight cancer on her liver.

This news was shocking, devastating, and scary. I started bawling. How could this be happening to my sister-in-law? She is healthy, she just had her second baby, and other than a week of not feeling well, she had no signs of cancer (at least none that I noticed and in talking to her, none that she noticed). Also, it isn’t typical for 34-year old to get colon cancer. If you aren’t aware, people don’t typically start getting a colonoscopy until they are about 50-years-old. This just doesn’t seem right or fair in any way. 

The Prognosis

3 years. The team of doctors are telling her that she has 3 years left. That typically stage 4 colon cancer that has spread does not go into remission.

Honestly, I am having a hard time even writing this post because I just want to cry. To me, this diagnosis is unacceptable. No one should be told that they have expiring time. Chris and Lindsay should just be able to enjoy the newborn bliss of their son and the fun adventures of their 2 ½-year-old daughter. They shouldn’t have to worry about fighting cancer, or “expected timelines”. 

Lindsay is a fighter and will do everything she can to fight for her life. She will kick cancer’s butt for her babies and for a long life with her husband and family. 

Personally, my hope is that Lindsay and Chris won’t have to worry about financials, childcare, normal stresses of life so that they can focus on fighting, healing, and enjoying time with their children.

Ways to Help

Where are my Type A or Enneagram Type 2 people at? Are you hoping you can help in some way? Wanting to do something to make a difference?

Chris and Lindsay are going to be faced with a lot of extra medical bills and childcare expenses. Please consider donating to their Go Fund Me page:

If you don’t know my sister-in-law, Lindsay, you are missing out. She is hilarious and has an infectious smile. Lucky for you, you can catch some of her humor on her Caring Bridge page where she explains her story in more detail: Please be sure to donate on the Go Fund Me page and not the Caring Bridge Page. Chris and Lindsay do not receive the funds on the Caring Bridge Page.

If you are not in a place financially where you feel you are able to donate, please consider praying. Chris and Lindsay are facing a situation that is unfathomable. Please pray for Lindsay’s team of doctors to best treat her cancer and help her live a long life. Please pray that the chemo will kill every single last cancer cell that is invading her body. Please pray for Chris and Lindsay and their sweet family as they have to endure the fight and I am sure experience a range of emotions day-to-day. Pray for them to have strength, peace, comfort, support, love, and hope. Pray for a miracle because 3 years is unacceptable and I know that God can help Lindsay surpass that number. 






2 responses to “Stage 4 Colon Cancer”

  1. Debbie Avatar

    This is so heartbreaking, I pray everyday for a miracle. Totally unacceptable. 🙏🙏🙏. She is such a beauty with a heart of gold❤️❤️❤️

    1. Rachel Avatar

      I couldn’t agree more, Debbie! <3