Author: Rachel

  • Memories of my Sissy – Angie Kay Losek

    Memories of my Sissy – Angie Kay Losek

    My sister passed away a few weeks ago. It feels pretty surreal to say that. I honestly hadn’t been super close with my sister for the last several years and she was living down in Arizona, so I didn’t see her frequently. But, it still seems like I should be able to call her on…

  • 5 Simple Ways To Manage Stress

    5 Simple Ways To Manage Stress

    Quick Personal Update A quick update on my personal MS health. I feel incredibly lucky that I have been healthy and my MS has not been an issue for me in this postpartum period. I still have several months left of breastfeeding before I have to get another scan and start my medication again. I…

  • What Happens When Anxiety and Fear Take Control?

    What Happens When Anxiety and Fear Take Control?

    Debilitating Anxiety and Fear In my early 20s, I started to develop pretty intense feelings of anxiety and stress. I would get intense anxiety attacks in certain situations. I would find myself overwhelmed by having to make big decisions, worried about making the wrong choice. I felt anxious about meeting new people in fear of…

  • A Break from Multiple Sclerosis

    A Break from Multiple Sclerosis

    Taking a Break to Pray My blog’s intention has been to help more people come to know and learn about Multiple Sclerosis. I wanted a place where friends and family could join me in learning about this disease and how it might impact my life long-term. I also wanted a place to keep people up-to-date…

  • Managing My MS in the Summer Heat

    Managing My MS in the Summer Heat

    Summertime in Washington I have always loved the summer months in Washington, being outside in the warm sunshine, getting fresh air. As a kid, I would spend hours playing outside in the backyard, going in the pool, making these huge chalk villages with the neighbor kids that we would later ride around and play pretend…

  • MRI Update

    MRI Update

    Last Friday I had my first MRI since my diagnosis. It was a LONG day. But, I received the best news possible! My scan didn’t show any new or active lesions. PRAISE THE LORD! You can bet that we celebrated with burgers and milkshakes last Friday! Haha. What does this mean for me? Right now,…

  • MS Connections

    MS Connections

    One Year Ago One year ago on World MS Day, I decided to open up and share that I have been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.  I definitely had a few hesitations in opening up and starting a blog. I was nervous about whether I would regret letting the world know that I have MS. I…

  • The Waiting Place

    The Waiting Place

    Useless Waiting Have you ever felt like you are stuck waiting? Just waiting for something to happen? Maybe you are tired of the job you are in and you are waiting to find a new opportunity. Maybe you are waiting for God to answer a prayer that you have been praying for years. Maybe you…

  • Coronavirus and Multiple Sclerosis

    Coronavirus and Multiple Sclerosis

    Coronavirus Pandemic & MS Here we are in April of 2020 in the middle of a global pandemic. The state of Washington is under a stay-at-home order as are many other states (but not all). It is absolutely crazy to me how unprepared we are for the scenario unfolding. I always believed that the United…

  • Quick Update & MS Awareness Week

    Quick Update & MS Awareness Week

    Quick Personal Update Our baby girl, Audrey Jean Larsen, arrived on February 19, 2020. We are so in love and enjoying all of the baby snuggles. It is definitely different this time around trying to figure out how to manage caring for a newborn and a toddler at the same time. So far, Luke has…